Right now working hard to become an effective techpreneur and take my technology outsourcing startup Ebullientech (ee-boo-lien-tech, we invented the name after two expressions Ebullience and Technology) to the next level. So far entrepreneurship is treating me well, never enjoyed work-life balance while I was still an employee but now it feels I can dictate my routine, can say no to abrupt meeting requests, politely though. In the process of becoming a polished businesswoman from an unapologetic nearly antisocial software engineer! Unlearning and innovation are my mantras right now. As a first-generation entrepreneur, yet to hone the art of being profitable in business but so far managed the highest level of job satisfaction. Becoming an entrepreneur back in 2018 was a choice made for both personal and professional purposes, but like all other stubborn choices of life alike choosing the career of a software engineer, switching jobs, buying my apartment, moving to Mumbai, buying my cars, this one has so far worked well, and future looks if not bright but promising.
If you have visited/read (or going to read) my blogs, please forgive me for brevity and poor English and don’t forget to share your feedback and suggestion for improvement, friends say otherwise nevertheless I believe I’m good at taking positive criticism as it helps me evolve into a better version of myself.
hi, kamalika…
I was making a search on google for tech blogs, and I came here following a link, I like your blog, and I too am an ambitious blogger, I am sending you the link of my blog, have a look and tell me where I need to improve if any, my blog is not a technology blog, its rather only my thoughts, according to the way you write, I think you will like what I write, I too am blogging since a long time, but finally I have settled on my one blog from this year only… http://thoughtsaboveall.blogspot.com
you can follow me on my blog… it will be a great blogging experience for us, together we can learn a lot of blog stuffs… and yes, first of all, can we be friends, the blog friends….??
Great….. And look you have more than one who have had their eyes to listen to your story :) So, being successful, keep narrating your story in your very own words. And your photography needs no special mention. Its an integral part of you, and, like every skill you possess, this too is classy. Keep going!!!